02 Jul

FocusLMU: The Family in Transition

Opening hours / Beginning:

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

2 July 2024


Great Aula & Live stream Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München

An image of the bourgeois nuclear family, generally marked by the combined effort to marry for love, live together in a household with biological children, and assume traditional gender roles, has established itself in European societies since 1800. Contrary to this image, family structures are currently going through dramatic change, and an ever-increasing diversity of lifestyle choices are becoming available - it’s high time we took a look at the family in transition from different disciplines. During FokusLMU, LMU researchers will present findings from current projects and discuss the imaginative construct of the family, empirical evidence on its transformation, and the legal possibilities and limits to protect the family.

Prof. Dr. Susanne Lüdemann, Professor of Modern German Literature and General Literary Studies, will address the wide range of imagery surrounding the family, from classical dramas developed by ancient societies all the way to today’s contemporary family sagas.

Prof. Dr. Paula-Irene Villa Braslavsky, Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies, will present social science findings on developments currently happening in family structures and examine new forms such as co-parenting.

Prof. Dr. Anatol Dutta, Professor of Private Law, Private International Law, and Comparative Law, will examine past and upcoming reforms in family law, which lawmakers want to use in order to respond to and influence changes in family forms.

The event will be chaired by Prof. Dr. Susanne Reichlin, Professor of Late Medieval and Early Modern German Literature.

Please register via Zoom to follow the debate via live stream. There is no need to register if you wish to attend in person. More information about this event is available on the website of the lecture series FocusLMU: A window to academia.

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